Sunday, May 19, 2024

Modern method of cycling tanks great for Fire Red Cherry Shrimp Neocaridina davidi

I grew up in the pet business. My parents were a distributor for Fritz & we sold Fritz Zyme #7 for freshwater tanks and Fritz Zyme #9 for Marine tanks. If I remember correctly, the Walt Disney Epcot Aquarium marine biologists used this! Many aquarists and even avid hobbyists continue using methods from the 1960s to "cycle" and aquarium, which takes weeks. As you see in this video, this is not necessary, I setup my tank and added shrimp the next day, and they have done well and are already breeding in the time that others would still be cycling an empty tank! I hope this information helps you. As always, it's provided as-is, YMMV!

Read more about Fritz Zyme here-

Excerpt: Unlike some heterotrophic bacteria, which can survive in a long-term spore state, only true nitrifying bacteria can cycle an aquarium. True nitrifying bacteria are fragile and temperature-sensitive, which is difficult to produce and package. FritzZyme® 7 is buffered for long-term stability without the need for refrigeration.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Apartment Life Reviews Jobs

This is a detailed review about the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Apartment Life aka Apparently located in Texas, but has no published physical address and only lists PO Box 650951 Dallas, TX 75265-0951 817-685-2963 on their website. 

They are self-described as "As a Christian, faith-based non-profit, we want to make a positive impact on peoples' lives through authentic relationships. And we want to do it in the right way. "

I first became aware of Apartment Life after leasing a luxury apartment. Not long after I moved in, I began getting emails from two young ladies from and they were also coming to my apartment knocking. Keep in mind, I've never heard of these people and the landlord never mentioned them. Apparently, Apartment Life got all my personal contact information from the landlord without my knowledge or consent. In a world filled with concerns with privacy, this is most certainly a poor practice and unwise by both the landlord and Apartment Life! Incidentally, as of today, they don't even have a privacy policy or terms of use on their own website, which speaks volumes about their unawareness of our society's concerns about privacy. 

The website says "If you have questions or stories of your own to share, please email me at, so I did. I noticed a pattern of repeated alcohol-themed events sponsored by Apartment life. I told them via email that there were several people I had met that lived here in recovery programs, and again, no response. After I noticed they have no physical address posted anywhere and use a PO BOX, I did some research and discovered they reportedly have leadership making over 180k per year working only 33 hours per week. The founder, Stan Dobbs makes a whopping 82k per year working a measly 16 hours, and his LinkedIn states he has full-time job with an unrelated company since 2018. They are allegedly a faith-based organization with a statement that says they have a goal of having a positive impact on people's lives. How is repeatedly directly promoting alcohol-themed events to alcoholics positive and "doing it the right way"? Using alcohol as a lure to get people to attend events is doing it the right way?

Feeling depressed? According to this tweet, you should get liquored up! You can't even make this stuff up, and keep in mind, this is not a secular organization. On a side note, if you are not aware, Alcohol is a Central Nervous System Depressant. If you are feeling "blue" the last thing you should do is drink alcohol, a depressant! 

In the real world, secular businesses and organizations have alcohol at events, however, even they don't necessarily name the events and center them around alcohol with cute names like "wine Wednesday", tacos & margs, and cocktails and crafts, cocktails and candles likely as bait to get people to attend. Is this a college fraternity or Christian NPO? One event had self-serve canned beer and sodas sitting on the floor in the same bucket unattended with children running around, yet the chicken nuggets were guarded and rationed by staff. A retired attorney here took note of it as well and also expressed her concerns! Frankly, I don't know why they would want the legal liability of serving alcohol in the first place. It's completely and totally unnecessary.

I reached out to Apartment life leaders several times for an explanation and never got a response. If you want to lure people into your events, how about using something like an iPAD instead of booze?

Published salaries of Pete Kelly, Joe Davis, Ryan Edwards, Kelly Jones, Randy Ginnan, Found Stan Dobbs, Sean Baily, Dave Marshall & Pete Wayman.

Founder Stan Dobbs' Linkedin says he works another full-time job while raking in a reported 82,381 from Apartment life for 16 hours of work. Must be nice to work 16 hours and make 82 grand a year, likely more in 2022! Again, this was questioned via email, I got read receipts from Apartment life, but to response or explanation which speaks volumes!


And the kicker, for some bizarre reason they blocked me on Twitter! I've never posted anything inappropriate about them that would warrant being blocked. Again, this is not consistent with what they claim, wanting to make a positive impact on peoples' lives through authentic relationships.

During my research about this organization, I noticed reviews written by employees! Obviously, it is unethical and even illegal in some cases to have staff write reviews for their own business! Again, this is not consistent with running a Christian-based business or NPO. I've reported some of the reviews today as I was researching this article and many have already been deleted for violations of TOS as seen below.

To one who listens, valid criticism is like a gold earring or other gold jewelry. Proverbs 25:12

Friday, August 20, 2021

HDTV Antenna test GE Ultra Pro 48862-T1 vs ONN 100012662 Walmart

HDTV Antenna test GE Ultra Pro 48862-T1 vs ONN 100012662 Walmart

Sony X90J OTA HDTV signal strength test in settings X90CJ

This video will show you how to test the signal strength of your local over-the-air OTA HDTV channels in the Sony X90J and Costco Sony X90CJ.  Very useful in placing your HDTV antenna.

Here are some HDTV Antennas on 

Friday, July 17, 2020

The Preserve at Oak Ridge Reviews Clinch River

I noticed that huge wild parties were occurring in the "Wellness Center". Beer cans, wine boxes, etc. Residents said it had been going on for years. I posted a youtube video of the aftermath & sent it to Rialto Capital's Attorney & CEO who owns the building. They installed 2 cheesy security cameras & oddly only monitor the building when it is closed. Since the building is not monitored, it is now overrun with middle school/teens entering the building w/o parents during the day. Boys/Girls lock themselves in the bathrooms together & do who knows what! If you have children, I would definitely not recommend living here! Smithbilt Homes is building most of the houses here right now, and many of the google reviews for their company are terrible! Sample from reviews-"never return your phone calls. Never responded to 90 day issues." "Worst builder in the entire world.".

It's often a free for all, parents give their access cards to the kids & let them do as they please. If you look at the ceiling in the lobby of the Wellness Center, which incidentally is way too small to support this huge development, you will see water stains. Only four treadmills & two are broke! The gym periodically has huge water stains in the carpet from where the ceiling and/or foundation leaks. I measured the humidity of the gym at a dangerous 80% which makes for miserable workouts. They fired the janitorial staff after I posted a video of horrid conditions. They still do not appear to sanitize the sauna properly. The gym equipment is also not properly maintained or sanitized when it breaks, it breaks & it squeaks like crazy. High HOA fees, & the lawn care is a joke. Irrigation systems are broken, leak & shoot water up like fountains on the sidewalk. Yards are full of weeds & clover. There were no handicapped spaces at the pool or gym. I reported that & they were also forced into re-striping the lot & adding handicapped spaces!  As a result of my complaints, The Preserve at Oak Ridge violated my privacy & posted on their facebook group that my landlord was non-renewing my lease (which landlord claims is false) & said I had a negative attitude. Soon after, they also trespassed me from gym/pool after this review w/o explanation. Last time I checked, wanting handicapped people to have a place to park & taking drunk drivers off the street is a good thing. Before you buy here drive around on side streets like Boxberry Road. There are hundreds of acres of vacant land, some of which has not even been cleared & much of it is owned by people that bought during the bankruptcy sales or Rialto Capital. If you are impressed by the pool, remember it's not even opened the majority of the year & not owned by the HOA. It's also plagued by trespassers as well as more sweat bees than I've ever seen. Residents posted that someone pooped in the pool this week so it's closed to sanitize! I've been yelled at & cussed at in the Wellness center. Supposedly they hired a pool monitor, but I've yet to see him. A neighbor did see him & said he was in the pool making out with his girlfriend instead of watching for trespassers or people with glass beer and liquor bottles in the pool area. Several written complaints from owners here about the trespassing. They need to start giving criminal trespass warnings, but instead it's a free for all. It's 4.25 per person to get into the Oak Ridge City pool & free for trespassers here!

The Oak Ridge high school is a 38 minute drive round trip by car, further by bus! Not good for people with kids.

Lastly, a commercial public marina is at the current dock. If you think that is a good idea, that would be like making the outdoor pool public & charging admission like the Oak Ridge City pool! It's good for the person that owns the marina though!

The power goes off here more than anywhere I've ever lived! Very frequent internet outages. The USPS mail carrier is contracted out and is by far the worst mail carrier I've ever had. Radioactive material was found in the sewage treatment here in 2015!

They are hostile towards renters & threatened to remove amenities for renters.

My personal opinion is when you look really closely, this place is a joke & the fees don't line up with the amenities.

Video below tells the story!

Hundreds of acres of vacant land

Originally posted June 2018, spelling errors corrected July 2020.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Will 2020 Concerts resume during the Coronavirus Pandemic?

As many have noticed, many concerts scheduled in late March, April, May 2020 were rescheduled, but interestingly, many were rescheduled for just weeks or months later. Some artists like Bon Jovi cancelled their tours while others such as Justin Beiber postponed asked people to hold onto their tickets, information on rescheduled dates will be forthcoming soon. Good luck with that, and let me explain why. Many states are now beginning to permit restaurants to reopen with 50% of the fire marshal's suggested capacity. It seems to me like the same principle will apply to concerts and sporting events, however, the current tickets were not sold with social distancing in mind which means they will have to sell the tickets all over again with a new seating chart! Mötley Crüe has not postponed the stadium tour as of today, which is surprising. Even if the event was able to take place, it's unlikely the tour will be successful with high unemployment rates and obviously, the masses are not going to be filling stadiums this summer and buying $60.00 t-shirts which is where a large part of the revenue is generated!

I have tickets for a concert in Atlanta, GA at the Coca Cola Roxy on July 23rd for Christan Rap Artist Nathan Feuerstein aka NF. Most of the seating is general admission and it's sold out. Do you really think that's going to happen this soon?  Tobymac rescheduled in Knoxville, TN for Sep 27, 2020 which is right about when virus' become active again like influenza and coronavirus Also sold out at the Tennessee Theater. I'm concerned these ticket companies and promotors are eventually going to start filing bankruptcy and including ticket sales as part of it! Livenation started a plan called Ticket Relief. If your concert is rescheduled, you have 30 days to request a refund.

Also, the owner of Premier Productions Roy Morgan is on an extended sabbatical until January 2021. I don't believe this is a good sign either about the future of the industry. Interesting time to take off work when big decisions need to be made about ticket refunds, concert rescheduling, social distancing seating charts at concerts, etc!

Donnie Wahlberg May 9, 2019 at Bridgestone Arena New Kids on the Block Concert

Friday, January 10, 2020

List of Celebrities obsessed with Donald Trump & Politics on Twitter

Ricky Gervais made jokes about celebrities getting involved in politics on the Golden Globes.With your help, I thought I would compile a list, in no particular order, of celebrities/former celebrities that appear to be obsessed with politics on social media. Send me a reply to this tweet or comment below, and I'll keep updating the list. Make sure you bookmark and return to see the list grow. I suspect the list is going to be mind-blowing!

Colin Kaepernick @Kaepernick7
JK Rowling @JK_Rowling

J.K. Rowling apologizes for falsely accusing Trump of ignoring boy in wheelchair.

Cher @Cher

Alyssa Milano -  @Alyssa_Milano

Bette Midler @BetteMidler 

Patton Oswald @pattonoswald

Rosie O'Donnell @rosie 

Stephen King

Friday, December 23, 2016

How I Lowered Cholesterol Naturally without Statin Drugs

I'm going to tell you how I lowered my LDL almost 70 points in one year! Keep in mind, I am not a doctor, nor should this be a substitute for doctor's advice, but you may want to print this off and ask your doctor about doing what I did! On 12/16/2015, my annual physical labs revealed that my LDL cholesterol aka bad cholesterol was a whopping 170! As many of you know from my previous blogs, I was already exercising and working out, so I got the same lecture about eating a lower fat diet, less red meats etc. It was definitely too early to need to go on statin drugs like Lipitor according to my doctor and it was something that needed monitored as I got older. A few months later one of my friends tore his bicep muscle and the surgeon attributed it to his taking statins to lower his cholesterol and he had only been on them one year! According the to the doctor these muscle related tears happen frequently with people on statin cholesterol medicine. 12/23/2016 I got my lab results and the doctor was amazed my LDL cholesterol aka bad cholesterol had dropped almost 70 points in 12 months! So you ask how did I do it? I did not change my diet, I kept eating red meat, bacon etc. I did keep walking, exercising and working out and I do eat a reasonable diet and avoid fast food places, other than Chic Fil A and some burger places like Five Guys. I started taking youtheory Tumeric after seeing on TV that Tumeric has numerous health benefits including lowering cholesterol naturally! I take it in the morning and at night and sometimes at lunch when I remember. I put them in a 7 day pill holder so I don't forget. I also drink Optiber from Costco and mix it with 4oz of grapefruit juice once a day. You can also try Citrucel from Amazon That's it! I know it's not scientific, but it worked for me, and I hope it works for you too! I am super excited and I hope this works for other people as well.
Please +1 and share to get the word out!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Joe Kenda Young Photos- Homicide Hunter Actors

A lot of people seem to be searching for information about Homicide Hunter actors, and young Joe Kenda photos. If you happen to have any to add, just comment in the comments below with a link to the photo. Below is a photo I tweeted with an old mullet photo that I thought was cool. Here are some Homicide Hunter Actors you can follow including myself on Twitter @ActorMikeBiddle Kendra Maples @KendraMaples Carl Marino @CarlMarino Joe Kenda @Joe Kenda

Feel free to retweet the tweet below! Thanks!

Ran into @carlmarino1 tonight at dinner! #HomicideHunter #idaddicts

A photo posted by Mike Biddle (Actor) (@actormike) on

Sunday, August 28, 2016

What happened to Ivy Calvin's eye face Storage Wars A&E

Have you ever wondered what happened to Ivy Calvin's eye on Storage Wars A&E? I finally saw an episode this year's in 2016 that gave the answer! Don't take my word for it, just watch the video below! It seems that it had nothing to do with MMA fighting and was all an accident that happened fishing after he got hit by a rogue wave and hit the coral! Click the video below and Ivy explains what happened to his eye!

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